Ayurveda & How it Cures


Ayurveda, the Life Science is the Holistic approach to health viewing life and nature as integral and related aspects of one system.
According to Ayurveda, health is correlated to the nature of a person and how the person interacts with the world around.  Interaction can be in different forms like the food we eat, our daily routine, the climate of the place we live in, physical activities, our mental status and so on and so forth.
More than what the word Ayurveda can be derived to, it is a way of life that takes into consideration the right combination of five basic elements of Universe.
Good health is the basic requirement to achieve materialistic, social and spiritual well-being of an individual. Therefore Ayurveda gives equal emphasis on preservation and promotion of health as well as in the treatment of Diseases. According to Ayurveda, a living body is a composition of Indriya(Sensory and Motor organs), Manas(Mind) and Atma( Soul). Ayurveda also advocates a holistic approach while understanding healthy and diseased conditions of the human body. In this respect, the human body is considered as the microcosms representing the Universe, a macrocosm, both are made up of Panchamahabhootha, the five basic elements. Pruthvi(Earth) Jala(Water),Agni(Fire), Vaayu(Wind)and Aakasa(Space). The balanced composition of these elements gives good health which is manifested through the normal functioning of the body. The functional unit of the body is Doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. We understand the imbalance of Panchabhoothas through the functional irregularities of the body (Dosha vaishamya)  and treat it through the scientific usage of medicine, food and regimens, the triad of the holistic approach in which medicine and food are also made up of panchabhoothas as per requirement of the individual. 
The primary aim of Ayurveda is to bring this balance in the physique to achieve harmony in health. The process of management of disequilibrium of Doshas is of two types increasing ( Brumhana) the depleted bhootha element or reducing(Langhana)  the increased bhootha element.  The reduction therapy is well developed and is widely used in the management of diseases. It is again classified into two groups   Pacificatory(Samana) therapies and Evacuative(Sodhana)therapies.  The sodhana therapy is also well known as Panchakarma therapy, Vasthi( Enema)  Vamana(Emesis), Virechana(Purgation), Nasya(Nasal purging) and Rakthamoksha(Bloodletting) The Samana therapy includes digestive drugs, appetizers, Fasting, avoiding fluid intake, exercise, exposure to sun and wind. All these time-tested modalities are very effective for the treatment of many serious ailments like degenerative diseases, gynaecological disorders to simple back pain, knee pain etc:
The unique feature of Ayurveda is the Swastha Vrutha(preventive and promotive health care). Ayurveda gives equal importance in this area along with curative therapies. The main objective of this programme is to maintain and promote the health of an individual. Through this programme, one can prevent lifestyle disorders as well as preserve youthfulness and beauty as desired. 
According to Ayurveda, every individual has a unique psychosomatic constitution, Prakruthi which is responsible for the structural and functional peculiarities of body and mind, health or disease patterns of an individual. This basic constitution is determined at the time of conception. The assessment of prakruthi is a key determinant for prescribing individualized diet, lifestyle and treatment regimen. 
The way of Ayurveda is to look at changing the imbalance, not to try and tackle symptoms in isolation. The primary step in achieving this is to carefully organize the daily activities like exercises, food etc, that best fits your constitution. Along with correcting the chores, embracing the right treatments in Ayurveda is the most proactive approach to prevent physical difficulties and rejoice. In today’s world, no matter which colour you wear in your profession managing the physique is very difficult provided the lack of time. Hence, it will be beneficial to keep in check your health by consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner and undergoing the right procedures and treatments. In conclusion, cherish your life with Ayurveda